Sunday, April 12, 2009

Final Reflection

After reading through my first blog post, I realized that I have a premature understanding of what effective communication is about. After three months of blogging, writing formal letters and painstakingly trying to thread the group report together, my understanding towards effective communication has definitely increased.

I mentioned in the first post that effective communication is needed to ensure that ideas are conveyed accurately to obtain the intended outcome. However, I realized that effective communication goes beyond the mere transmission of knowledge to your targeted audience. This is because people are not robots, they have their own thoughts or views that they are passionate about, disagreements might arise if there is a conflict of interest.

I had gained valuable experiences on how to communicate with my fellow project group mates, Matthew and Wai Pheng. As our group is made up of individuals with diverse cultural background, our working styles are very different and disagreements frequently arise. Hence, as the group leader, I had learnt how to be more assertive so that things could be completed on time and learnt how to compromise (in a good way) and be empathetic when my group members face problems in their work. I also realized that it is important to voice out your concerns and address any doubts to prevent misunderstandings.

In addition, I had also learnt to understand that emails may not be a good form of communication and I appreciate face-to-face meetings or phone conversations. This is because it is difficult to trace email responses and it is difficult to obtain a prompt reply as compared to face-to-face meetings or phone conversations. Intentions or tone of emails could also be misinterpreted. Nevertheless, the group project has served its purpose well as it has taught me how to build a good working relationship with my project group mates.

It is also interesting to revise and pick up new skills on formal letter and resume writing. Skills such as how to write minutes, business letters and resumes will definitely prove useful when I enter the workplace in the future.

One of the things I enjoyed the most is blogging. As blogs are personality-driven, they help me to understand my course mates better. It is also an avenue where creativity could be displayed and with all the pictures, video or music sound clips that come along with posts. Who knows, blogging can one day be a useful tool in the business world? Due to its immediacy and power , it is a convenient tool to promote one's business or showcase one's products. People may find these blog posts and start developing a feel for who you are. A relationship begins and from that springs greater opportunity - personal or business - depending on your goals.

One of the most important things I have learnt is that communication takes two forms, verbal and non-verbal. I am now more conscious in the way I write, always bearing in mind of the 7Cs, and also in the way I present myself after picking up so many pointers from the oral presentation. Though I have not really reached my goal of being an effective communicator, these skills will be useful for me if I put them into practice.

Finally, I want to say a big thank you to Christine and course mates. Thank you for being so understanding and I enjoy learning from all of you! ☺ You all are a brilliant bunch of people! ☺


  1. Hi Min Min

    It is good that through group project, you learnt and matured in your understanding for effective communication. I agree that it is important to voice out your concerns and address any doubts to prevent misunderstandings. If this is not done, misunderstandings might snowball to become unhappiness or even quarrels.

    I like blogging too. It helps to showcase one’s thinking and perspectives. But it is important to note that blogging does not tell the whole story, meaning it does not tell the whole picture of that person. Just a feel of what the person might be. Nothing beats personal interactions and over the time would then tell what personality that person has.

    Thanks for sharing. It has been nice to learn from you too! Your encouraging and positive nature had helped me to learn. :)

  2. Hi Min Min,

    When working in a group project, I agree with you that it is good to voice out individual concerns and address any doubts to prevent misunderstanding. I am convinced now that this is better than choosing to be silent to avoid conflicts.

    However, to voice our opinion (especially when it contrasts another's opinion) is not easy. It requires much aptitude. One has to be rational, calm, and able to speak out without being agitated or emotional.

    However through working with you in the group project, I find that this is one of your strengths! You were outstandingly patient and calm, and could handle your emotions very well. Kudos! This good trait will benefit you in all your future endeavours.

  3. Hey MinMin,

    At first I thought you are a serious person but later realise that you like to crap and I heard from Cecilia you like to gossip during bus journey.

    I definitely agreed with you that blog helps us to understand our course mates better and I am the first to read your blog! Whenever I read your blog entry, I think it is super long but no worries, I do not have a hard time reading your entry cause your entries are interesting=)

    Good Luck in your exam and see you around in school=)


  4. Hello Min Min,

    I think that most people will agree that email is a less effective way of communication. Like what you mentioned, blogging gave me space to be creative and provided me a platform to express my personality, especially through the layout and the additional gadgets that can be added to the blog.

    Thank you for being a patient and conscientious blogging buddy=)

    Pls do continue to do what you love! All the best!

  5. Hi Min Min,

    It was really nice to meet you during the class. Then we started to take the same bus to school together every morning, and chatted about the experiences we had in school. You are really a friendly, funny, and cheerful person =)

    I remebered you once said that your communications skills are bad. However, through this course, I believed that you have certainly learnt to communicate much better, and to work with different people of different cultures.

    Last of all, I am still amazed by the fact that you are a physics major! But I know you love it, and will do well in it. All the best!

    Cecilia =)

  6. It was great having you in my class. I can see how serious a leader and teamplayer you could be and how you took pains to ensure the project would turn out well.

    You have turned out to be a true communicator who is proactive and more assertive - certainly not that quiet after all.

    Press on!
